Patient Resources
An ever evolving road...
An informed patient is a prepared patient.
It is important to realise two things:
Nobody is prepared for that moment when they become a patient
Patients should be treated as clients
What this means is that people from every walk of life can become afflicted and in need for surgery
This surgery can be a small and elective daycare procedure or a big and risky intervention.
The dynamics are the same, you are unprepared for this, uncertain and hoping the doctor knows what he is doing.
Therefore we believe in education and training for a good foundation of medicine and surgical technique.
Knowing WHEN to perform surgery and knowing HOW to perform surgery.
We believe in scientific evidence, feedback, numbers and data so we can demonstrate with substance what you should expect.
The idea is that the initial uncertainty one has as a patient can be put at ease with the confidence that you will be treated as it should be. The main rule in medicine and surgery is Primum Non Nocere (To do no further harm)
This means patient safety first. We are committed to this through extensive safety protocols.
We are ever evolving towards better surgical patient care, in this thrive we welcome every input.
We appreciate the Feedback of Patients...
You can leave a comment for us right here or under the Patient Feedback page (subtab in the menu above)
To assure patients are well informed of every aspect of the surgery and patients have a good sustaining network we
are adding links to information sites and data that can further inform our patients, you can find this information below
In addition we added the results of feedback given by treated patients which can be reached through the
Patient Satisfaction page (this can be found as tab drop-down of this page)
Surgical information sites and contact information //
Caribbean College of Surgeons
Caribbean Society of Endoscopic Surgeons
www. casesendo.com
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde
American College of Surgeons
Royal College of Surgeons
Antillean Advent Hospitals
Website: www.adventhospital.com
Curacao Medical Center
Website: www.cmc.cw
Princes Wilhelmina Fonds
Email: info@spwfcuracao.org
Fundashon Sinta Ros:
Adress: Sta. Rosaweg 94A
Tel +5999-747-7353
Wit gele kruis
Email: www.witgelekruis.com
Curacaosche Huisartsen Vereniging
Website: www.chv-site.org
Complaint Department of the Antillean Advent Hospitals
Email: complaints@aahospital.org
Tel: 7370611 ext 186
Inspectorate of Health of Curacao
Email: ivg@gobiernu.cw
Tel: +5999 4669366